• March 1, 2025

Are NASDAQ options European or American?

There are two main types of options when it comes to options: American and European. Each type has its characteristics and features that make it unique. So, which one is best for you? This article will look at NASDAQ options to see if they’re more American or European.

What are the two types of options?

Let’s begin with a quick history of options. An option is a contract in which the holder has the right, but not the duty, to purchase or sell the underlying asset at a specific price within a set period of time. Options are traded on exchanges worldwide and come in two different forms: calls and puts.


Calls are financial instruments that give the option buyer the right but not the obligation, prior to a certain date, to purchase a stock, bond, commodity, or other asset or instrument at a specified price. The underlying asset is the name given to the stock, bond, or commodity purchased. When the underlying asset rises in value, a call buyer will profit. A call option is the purchase of a security at a set price before the contract’s expiration date.


A put option (often known as a ‘put’) is a contract that gives the buyer of right but not the commitment to sell a specific amount of an underlying asset at a set price within a certain time period. The strike price is the set price at which the buyer of a put option has the right to sell the underlying security.

Options on stocks, currencies, bonds, commodities, futures, and indexes are possible examples of put options.

Are NASDAQ options more American or European?

Let’s look at NASDAQ options to see if their style is more American or European. But first, what is the difference between the two?

It has to do with when the options can be exercised. European options can be exercised only at expiration, while an American option may be done at any moment before then.

The most significant distinction between American and European options is the time frame during which they can be exercised. Contract holders have the option to buy or sell their contracts at any time until their expiration date, as long as they remain in good standing. For European options, however, contract holders can only exercise their right on the expiration date itself. This difference can have major implications for how profitable an option may be.


One of the key differences between American and European options is how they’re priced. American options are typically priced using a model known as the Black-Scholes model, and this model considers the underlying asset’s price, volatility, time to expiration, and interest rates.


On the other hand, European options are typically priced using a different model known as the binomial model. This model only considers the underlying asset’s price and time to expiration.


The main difference between these two pricing models is that the Black-Scholes model is continuous, while the binomial model is discrete. The Black-Scholes model can account for small changes in the underlying asset’s price, while the binomial model cannot.


The Black-Scholes model is generally considered more accurate than the binomial model, but it’s also more complex. Because of this, American options are typically more expensive than European options.

Trading style

Another key difference between American and European options is how they’re traded. American options can be traded on any day of the week, while you can only trade European options on certain days.


American options are also typically more liquid than European options, which means that more buyers and sellers are willing to trade American options. It makes it easier to find someone to take the other side of your trade, which can help you get a better price.

What does that mean for NASDAQ options? Are they more American or European in style?

Well, it depends. When looking at the pricing models, NASDAQ options are more European in style. However, if you’re looking at how they’re traded, NASDAQ options are more American in style.

In the end

Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide which type of option is best for your needs. If you’re looking for more liquidity and easier trading, then American options may be the way to go. However, if you’re looking for cheaper options, European options may be better.